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- Morgan Dawson
The Barn (Carter Sisters Series #2)
The Barn (Carter Sisters Series #2) Read online
The Barn
Morgan Dawson
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
About the Author
For my family and their endless support in this writing journey of mine.
And for my teacher who always believes in me and helps me in every way she can. She’s one of my number one fans and I appreciate her supporting and guiding me so much.
And for my readers. Thank you for taking the time to read my book.
"Oh Darlene. She's got your eyes." I say softly as I look down at the tiny baby in my arms.
Darlene laughs, her pale blue eyes glistening as she crosses to where Robert stands, taking his hand. ”We named her Alice. After Robert's twin sister."
* * *
I sigh, placing my spare hand over my heart. “Alice is such a beautiful name. Just like her.” I begin gently, rubbing my finger over Alice's soft, brown hair.
* * *
"Make sure you tell the girls and Pa to come for lunch with you tomorrow. I wanted to invite all of you to come see Alice today, but I felt as if the timing is a little late.” Darlene smiles and opens her arms, as I stand and carefully pass baby Alice back to her.
* * *
"Thanks for inviting me to visit Alice. I better be leaving because I know the girls will be waiting patiently—or maybe not so patiently—to hear about you and your baby." I smile, reaching for the door handle.
* * *
"Goodbye, Adeline. I'll see you tomorrow."
As I start to walk, the night air chills me. The full moon is large and bright in the sky, and the stars scattered around it seem to be brighter than normal. I can hear crickets in the distance as I make my way in the direction of home.
* * *
I think of how my sister, Darlene, has made a wonderful life for herself with Robert. Perhaps someday, I will do the same.
* * *
Darlene's house isn't too far from our house. When her and Robert got married, she refused to move too far from her family. Their house is only about a mile away on the land Pa gifted her.
* * *
I make my way past the barn, or what's left of it. It collapsed last year during a huge storm, and Pa hasn't fixed it or even cleaned the mess up yet. If he ever will, I don't know.
* * *
I sigh, looking down at the gravel beneath my feet, and I slow my pace. I'm almost home. It once used to be a happy place, but now it's a place I mostly dread. The only pleasant part about home are my three sisters living with me, Genevieve, Lydia and Hazel. They mean the world me, and are such wonderful girls.
* * *
Our Ma died over a year ago, and Pa went into a deep depression, locking himself in his room, only coming out to eat. He never spoke a word to any of us.
* * *
I remember it so well. Darlene and I were trying hard to be strong for our younger sisters, who were nearly shattered at the loss. I think back to the day the bank man, Mr. Blakely, came and told Darlene that the payment for the loan Pa took out was due to his office in the next few weeks.
* * *
When we told Pa, he did nothing. He just told us to figure it out. He never came out of that room of his, except for one time. The memories flood back to me—how Darlene had been attacked by that bear in the middle of the night, I had looked up to see Pa, standing in the doorway of his room with his hands in his pockets.
* * *
He just stood there watching, while I panicked, scared my sister was going to die.
* * *
Darlene and I were always close growing up since there is only a year between us. We’d share secrets and comfort each other. And most of the time, we’d find ourselves in trouble together. Her moving out has been hard on me.
* * *
Each of my sisters have forgiven Pa for how he acted after ma died, leaving us to fend for ourselves, but I can't seem to find it in me to forgive. Why should I?
* * *
Now, as I open the house door with a loud creak, all thoughts of how angry I am with Pa disappear from my mind. Genevieve, Lydia and Hazel bounce up and down in the doorway with huge grins plastered on their faces.
* * *
"Boy or girl?" Genevieve smiles, taking my arm and rushing me to the table.
I sit down smiling up at them. "Okay, everyone sit and we'll be civilized about this.” Pausing, I wait for them to quickly seat themselves. “Darlene had a beautiful baby girl with big blue eyes and brown hair. They named her Alice."
* * *
Lydia sighs, leaning back in her chair. "She sounds perfect."
I laugh tucking a strand of my thick, blonde hair behind my ear. "She is. You won't believe how much she looks like Darlene. Oh, speaking of Darlene—she invited us all to come to her place for lunch tomorrow so you can meet Alice."
* * *
"Oh, I'm so excited." Hazel giggles.
I sigh, standing up and glancing around the room. "Where's Pa?"
"Uh... I think he went to the Wilsons." Genevieve replies.
My eyebrows rise. “The Wilson’s? I didn’t think Pa was still friends with them.” I think of John, and his son August, who'd come out to help us get the crop off last year.
* * *
"Yeah, he said he was going for a visit." Lydia smiles and takes her knitting from under her chair and begins working on the scarf she's been making.
* * *
We sit quietly, with no one saying a word. We all busy ourselves in something, just enjoying the peacefulness of home and being together.
* * *
I take out my knitting too, while Genevieve and Hazel sit quietly reading their books. We don’t have many books, and I'm pretty sure Genevieve and Hazel have already read the few we have a hundred times.
* * *
The door opens letting the cool wind blow inside, giving a slight chill.
"Hello, Pa." Hazel runs to the door and wraps her arms around his neck.
"Hello, pumpkin."
* * *
He crosses to the basin and washes his hands. After drying them on the towel, he moves and takes the seat in his chair opposite mine. "So, how was Darlene?"
* * *
I sigh, trying to push my anger away for a moment. This was important to him, and to Darlene as well. "Darlene was excited. She had a girl, and they named her Alice." I look down, pretending to be focused on something with my knitting.
* * *
"Lovely. I am so happy for her." Pa leans his head back and yawns.
Genevieve sets her book on the fireplace ledge and looks up at Pa. "How were the Wilson's? We haven't seen them in a long while."
* * *
"They were good. We had a long visit. That August boy has been making quite a good name for himself building things for people. He's very good at his work. I asked if he could come out sometime and help me to clean up and repair the barn. He agreed, and said he would come soon."
* * *
Lydia s
miles. "That's nice. It'll be an awful lot of work to clean it all up though."
"Indeed." Pa nods.
I put my knitting under my chair and stand. "I'm quite tired, so I think I'm going to go to bed."
"Yes, we might as well all go." I hear pa sigh as I walk to the ladder leading to the loft where I sleep with all the girls.
* * *
I take my light pink nightgown out of the cupboard and put it on.
* * *
"Could we go a little early tomorrow? I'm so excited." Lydia asks as she sits down on the edge of her bed.
* * *
I smile as I pull the brush through my hair. "Of course. I'm sure Darlene won't mind." I wait until my three sisters are in their beds and ready. "Night, girls."
* * *
"Night." They whisper in unison. At that, I blow out the candle on the table between our two beds and the darkness immediately surrounds us.
* * *
Genevieve shifts and pulls the blanket over her shoulders. We're in the larger bed of the two. I slowly rub my hand in the spot Darlene used to sleep. It feels so empty. Hazel and Lydia are in the bed beside us and have now settled in.
* * *
Willing myself to close my eyes, I try to fall asleep. The sound of crickets outside is calming and soon I'm falling into a dark void.
Chapter 1
I’m sitting at the table eating breakfast with my family, eating in silence as I normally do when Pa is around. I don’t want to fight with him around my sisters.
* * *
”Adeline? Could you tell Darlene that I really want to meet Alice but I’m unable to come today?” Pa asks setting his fork down, as his eyes meet mine.
* * *
I nearly spit my eggs all over the table, but manage to finish chewing as I glare back at him. "You seriously aren't coming? Why?"
* * *
"John has asked me to come over and help him cut logs."
* * *
"You know, you could've told him no." I can hear the anger in my voice. I know Darlene desperately wants Pa to come. She loves him a lot and can’t see any bad in him—something I desperately wish I could do.
* * *
Pa clears his throat. "I don't see what the problem is Adeline. The Wilson's were ever so helpful last harvest. I feel like we owe the help to them."
"Fine." I say standing up with my plate in one hand. I hold back whatever thought I was about to say.
* * *
Pa and I barely talk anymore. He knows I’m still upset with him and he now talks to me only when necessary.
* * *
I set my dish in the basin and take out a cloth. Everyone else brings their dishes to me, and Hazel takes the towel from the counter, standing beside me to dry.
"Bye girls." Pa says.
"Bye, Pa." My sister's all say in unison. Pa and I both know that when he said 'girls', he meant Genevieve, Lydia and Hazel.
* * *
I take a deep breath and hand a clean plate to Hazel. "All right, before we can go to Darlene's, we have to clean up the house a bit. We also need to get the eggs, which I can go do after I wash up."
* * *
"Okay." Lydia says as she takes the broom out of the closet.
* * *
I soon finish the dishes and smile at Hazel as I pass her the last dish.
* * *
The egg basket is on the table so I take it in my hand. "I'll hurry back girls."
* * *
I make my way down to the chicken coop. It's a lovely day outside. The sun is shining and it's warm out.
* * *
I can see the chicken coop on the other side of the yard. I smile when I see how many eggs the hens have laid today. I gather them all and put them in my basket, smiling with satisfaction. I start walking back up toward the house when I hear a loud bang coming from the barn rubble.
* * *
Stopping in my tracks, I turn around to look in the direction of the fallen barn. Curious, I take a few steps in the direction of the barn, but then stop myself as a horrible thought enters my mind.
* * *
Darlene and Robert were attacked by a bear last year, and we never found him. It could be a bear. Another loud crash comes from the rubble. I will myself to walk a little closer until the rubble is in clear view. I need to know what it is before we walk past to get to Darlene's house.
* * *
Now, as I get closer, I can hear wood being moved and realize it can’t be a bear. I think back to the thief who tried stealing our wheat last harvest. Was he back? I walk a little closer, trying to peer over the rubble.
"He... hello? Is somebody there?" I stutter in barely more than a whisper. I can still hear noises coming from the rubble. "Hello? Is somebody there?" I ask a little louder this time.
* * *
The noise stops and goes quiet. I hear the long grass rustling and soon a man with a cowboy hat steps out from behind the pile of boards on the ground.
* * *
* * *
"August?" I laugh, walking towards him. Sure enough, August is standing in front of me. "What are you doing?"
* * *
He smiles. "Your Pa asked me to help him rebuild the barn. Thought I'd come see how much of the wood we can reuse.” August rubs the back of his neck while he looks down at me. “Gee, I haven't seen your family in awhile, other than your Pa. Say, how's Darlene? I heard she was expecting."
* * *
I set the basket of eggs down. "Actually, she had her baby two days ago. I went yesterday to visit. They had a beautiful little girl named Alice."
August nods while wiping his plaid sleeve across his forehead. "I'm very happy for them."
* * *
“You know... my sisters and I are heading there for lunch right after I bring these eggs to the house. You could come with us if you want. I know Robert has been asking how you’re doing."
* * *
"That sounds wonderful. I didn't bring a lunch and was planning on just heading home anyway. I’d love to join you and your sisters for a nice walk to their house.”
* * *
I smile, picking up the basket of eggs. We walk quietly up to the house.
* * *
As we go in, I can see the girls already have their bonnets on and are standing by the doorway, ready. "Ok, I see you’re all ready." Smiling to myself at the girls’ excitement, I set the basket of eggs on the table. "August was down by the barn rubble looking to see how much wood could be restored for rebuilding the barn. I invited him to come for lunch with us."
He gives a small wave, smiling at the younger girls.
* * *
Genevieve nods. "Good to see you again, August. Thanks for agreeing to help my Pa rebuild the barn."
* * *
"No problem at all.”
* * *
Soon we're on our way to Darlene's house.
* * *
As we near the house, I can see Robert hammering away at some nails on a piece of wood. Robert shades his eyes, looking in our direction.
* * *
He lets out a deep chuckle as we approach. "What brings you here after so long?" Robert grins at August, shaking his hand
* * *
"Oh, Mr. Carter asked me to help rebuild the barn. I was looking to see if there was any wood to reuse. I'm probably going to be starting on it tomorrow. It looks like there is enough wood to start. Maybe you could come help?"
* * *
The door opens, revealing Darlene with her arms crossed over her chest. "Would you all come inside? You can finish your conversation in here. Lunch won't stay warm forever."
* * *
We all laugh and head inside, greeted by the smell of warm potato soup.
Chapter 2
I set my now empty bowl in the wash basin and smile at Darlene. “That was delicious.”
* * *
Her face turns a light shade of red. “Thank you.”
; * * *
Hazel comes up behind Darlene and taps her on the arm. “Could I hold Alice?”
* * *
“Of course you can.” Darlene guides Hazel to where Alice lay resting in her cradle.